In "STAR SONGS" an orphan-boy learns to use the power of music and love in a galactic fight against the evil Silencers.  An all animal cosmic rock band, the Skallywaggle Tails, are touring the galaxy when a teen-age guitar-playing stowaway appears aboard their spaceship. He wants to join the band and needs their help to search for his long lost parents. Their adventures bring them to the secret musical planet of Aria where they encounter new friends, wonders and romance. But when a sinister force stalks them and threatens the fate of Aria and the galaxy they must find the power to destroy this universal evil! 

This is a chapter book like "Harry Potter" or "Whimpy Kids" to be read by kids 7 to 11 years old or by parents to young children.
In "The Skallywaggle Tails and the Musical Planet" picture book young children are introduced to the musical world of the Skallywaggles.
E-Book Version $8.99  
Hard Copy  $15.99
Audio Book  $23.99
E-Book Version $3.99
Hard Copy $9.99
Audio Book  $14.99
Skallywaggle Tails T-Shirts   $15.99
please specify size
Large Musical Note Book Bag 
           Music Note Purse 
Music Themed Scarves 
The Skallywaggle Tails DVD  $19.99
This DVD contains 10 videos of original Skallywaggle Tails songs and TV segments which enhance the musical fun in your child's life!

The Skallywaggle Tails CD  $12.99   Download version $8.99
​A CD of 14 wonderful Skallywaggle Tails songs for your child to sing and dance along with!
Beginning Rhythm Lesson DVD  $24.99
An introduction to steady beat and playing rhythm for the very young child.
Beginning Piano Lesson DVD  $24.99
An introduction to playing piano for the very young child.  For less than the price of a seeing a piano teacher one time your child will be introduced to the basics of piano.
Guitar Themed Headband 
Each of these items is handmade in the USA and come in a variety of music fabrics.  They are so unique and fun!  
The Skallywaggle Tails MP3 Player  $45.99
This MP3 player not only contains all 14 Skallywaggle Tails songs but also the audio version of both books!  And you may add more audio to the player just like an iPod!  It comes with headphones.
DVD w/S&H $25.00
CD w/S&H $18.00
MP3 Player w/ S&H $51.00
T-Shirt w/S&H $20.00
Book Bag w/S&H $42.00
Music Purse w/S&H $40.00
Guitar-themed Headband w/S&H $25.00
Notes on White Scarf  w/S&H $30.00
Guitar-themed Scarf  w/S&H $30.00
E-Book: Star Songs $8.99
E-Book $3.99
Book w/S&H $15.00