"Hullabaloo" is a cumulative song for which children cultivate an awareness of different musical instruments and timbres in music.
"Persnickety" enhances children's awareness of pitch in music.
"Music Is A Blast" engages children as they listen, sing, and move to music. Music is energizing!
"Betty" develops children's awareness of steady beat in music.
"A Friend Like You" fosters children's understanding of how music can connect with other cognitive areas, such as dance and interpersonal skills.
This segment develops children's awareness of the creative process involved in composing music.
Children are introduced to the concept of tempo as musical guest,
Shyanne Wilson, sings and dances to a fast beat in "Tight".
copyright © 2018 by Skallywaggle Tails™
"Wag Your Tail" introduces children to the Skallywaggle characters and motivates them to listen, sing and move to music.
"Pray" This song encourages children to pray when faced with adversities such as bullying.